Study Abroad Recruitment



Study and Work Abroad is a provider of temporal and seasonal labour to the agriculture and horticulture industries.  The year 2020 has been a very challenging year for the agriculture and horticulture sectors in the United Kingdom like no other year. The farming sector faced flooding, drought, and early frosts. This was made harder by the difficulties faced in sourcing seasonal workers to work on UK farms due to the COVID-19 pandemic, and the uncertainly of the Brexit negotiations and the changes that would come with it. In view of this challenges Director and management staff of Study and Work Abroad Recruitment considered and arrived at a decision to assist the agriculture and horticulture sector by sourcing workers for direct employment in seasonal agricultural positions in farmers, to relief the pressure, and join the efforts made by the government to guarantee people living in Britain are able to continue having their farm food as normal.

Study and Work Abroad Recruitment has a Gangmasters Licence issued by the Gangmasters Licensing Authority to recruit workers in the food and farming sectors. We maintain close working relationships with the National Farmers’ Union, the 50 Club and the Association of Labour Providers to ensure compliance and the timely provision of accurate information.

We source workers to the following sectors:

  • Production of soft fruit
  • Top fruit production
  • Vegetable production
  • Potatoes (usually grading)
  • Tomatoes (glasshouse production)
  • Cucumbers (glasshouse production)
  • Bedding plant production
  • Hardy nursery stock production
  • Salad crops (both protected cropping and field grown)
  • Bulb production (e.g., daffodil lifting, grading, packing for sale)
  • Flower production


Our seasonal workers’ staff team deal with applications from workers coming into the UK (having a UK right to work permit), UK farmers and growers to provide good paid for jobs. UK farmers or growers, can contact us today using the number below, or sent us an email.
Call: 0116 3195 440